Choosing the right janitorial service is more important than you may realize. A janitor does more than clean. Frequently, a janitor will be given the responsibility of locking and unlocking the building each day among other things. Trust me when I say you don’t want just anybody random doing something that important!
There are a few steps that you can take to determine what janitorial service is the best for you. Read on to find out what they are.
Give Specific Details to the Potential Services
The first thing you should check is whether or not that particular janitorial service is up for the job you’re offering. You should insist that a representative takes a look at your business center and inspects how complicated the job may be.
If they are still willing to supply a janitor for the job, then continue considering them. However, do not mistake their compliance with skill. Just because they agreed to the terms doesn’t mean they can actually provide them.
Check Their Past Work
The only janitorial services you should be considering are the ones that have references proving that they do good work. Without any reference, you won’t know how efficient their janitors are until you’ve already hired one.
Even if the service offers you a low wage offer, don’t accept it if they can’t prove their competency.
Another task of a janitor is to deal with emergencies at the workplace. For example, if an employee needs access to the building to retrieve something or work late, the janitor is the one who should go to the building and unlock it.
For example, Winnipeg janitorial service Anago guarantees that all of their janitors will follow this procedure during an emergency.
If the janitorial service’s employees live too far away or refuse to be on-call during emergencies, don’t consider them any longer.
Make a Final Logical Decision
Now that you’ve narrowed your list down to the best of the best, you need to decide as to which of them is the best for you. When it comes to wages, I would recommend going with the janitorial service that requires a higher wage as they are also more likely to do a good job.
You should also take theirs and your personality into account. The janitor you end up working with needs to have a good, professional relationship with you and the managers of your company. If they can’t do this, it might prove awkward at times.
Now that you’ve followed these steps you should be well on your way to hiring the best janitorial service for your business!